Credit: Shedate Deanne (provides our annual write-up for the Chinese New Year)
This past year… Did you become clearer about your passions, gifts, and opportunities? Did you solidify or establish a daily/regular yoga or meditation practice? Did you practice more Sattvic activities, eat more Sattvic food? Did you feel more peaceful in your Being; is Peace more accessible now? Did you discover new ways of tuning into Nature which fortified your Life? In Five-element theory, the health of our Wood element determines our capacity to express growth and move forward in the world, leaving stagnation (of Winter/mind/body) behind. A strong Wood element enables one to take action backed by an exceptional capacity for perseverance and discipline. Strengthening the Wood element by using various Qigong forms and cleansing liver/gall bladder/blood in the Springtime may help us function better on many levels that surprise us, and even enhance our sensing faculties to access more profound wisdom from our bodies and environments, plus experience more compassion for self and others. Wood encompasses the "Spring season" period of growth, renewal, rising up, springing forward, blooming, and radiant youthful beauty. Combined with the Emerald Dragon energy, we could very well experience a significant infusion of... READ ON
There's a famous quote from Buddha “The problem is, you think you have time”. How we spend our time is how we spend our life...
if you think about how profound this is and pause for a moment… Reflect on how it is that the areas in which we invest our time and energy is how life passes us by. Perhaps anxiety is an inner knowing of how we are to be doing what, when. How often is it that we ignore these intuitive impulses? Let's talk about how to become more in alignment with time. When we are feeling short on time, we tend to tense up. Day after day of this stress leads to chronic musculoskeletal disfunction and inflammation. Let's dig deeper as to how you are BEING rather than focusing on the physical manifestation. We must first address the thinking and feeling states that proceed the physical. I invite you to my live event Wednesday April 3rd @ 12:30 where this topic will be discussed. Add this to your google calendar & visit my facebook page HERE The Chinese New Year for 2023 is January 22, 2023 One of my Favorite jokes is one where you have to put your personality into it, and it goes like this: “How do you catch a rabbit?” Wait for it… (picture the puzzled face being asked such a simple question) and the smiling confident voice continues … “Hello!... you make a noise like a carrot!” A deep belly laugh and joy infusing the simplest deeds and words shall lighten up life and light the way into this new Lunar time passage energized (and blessed) by the Water Rabbit! This is a good time to put all your favorite Rabbit references into enlightened form and practice!
Throughout the World, and especially in North Idaho, we have experienced a notably present Water Element starting last Spring and ramping up again in late Fall. The mountains have been pounded with snow in parts of the West so far this Winter and record continuous rainfall (and snowfall) is unceasing as we continue with the Water element for another Lunar Year. Here we are still so deeply connected with the Water Element so the focus is on the growth, clarity, abundance, and beauty which are gifts of this Element, and with Rabbit’s influence we are supported to flow with the everchanging tides of our individual Journeys and that of the Collective in profound and powerful ways. To better understand the Rabbit’s nature, this fun-loving cuddly, easy friend is of the Zodiac sign of Pisces, infused now with the watery, dreamy planet Neptune. Imagine “higher octave/higher dimensions” Bunny, as Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, which flows into our psyches and expresses through dreams, creativity through mature or more refined expressions of music, painting, dancing, and writing, and higher-minded learning pursuits like intuitive Spiritual practices, Astrology, Feng Shui, Vaastu, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong – for example. Lofty ideals and increased sensitivity are blessings to light up your path, but can also perpetuate movies in your mind by playing out more versions of dualistic victim/savior relationships which are dominating parts of our lives. This perpetuation without inquiry and transformation can drain your vital creative reserves, so use this refined energy to play out the scenarios most beneficial to manifesting a World you will thrive in! Release that which are the old worn-out movies created by others and assume the pivotal role of Creator, which you are, and use the energies of this alignment to embody Peace within and practice kindness to yourself – start with yourself let it ripple out. Rather than approach your chosen activities and inspirations with the eye of the Tiger, or an extra shot of Tequila, as in this past Lunar year, come inside and quiet down as this is a very supportive time of Self-reinvention, healing, renewal, and dreaming. The inner gates of Self-realization are opening wide so dreaming your best and highest Self and World into Being is an honorable and worthy theme for this coming Rabbit Year. In fact, the timing couldn’t be better! Further catalyzing this lucky Piscean Rabbit journey, expansive Guru Jupiter is in the 1st degrees of Firey Aries which is a not-so-subtle invitation to live your best life starting today! Aries holds the space for new beginnings. These auspicious energetic alignments can help propel us through the densities and disenchantments holding us bondage, through to dissolving and heightened discernment birthing new clarity and wisdom to start creating and then grounding that which is for our highest good and evolution. This is the inner work of the Rabbit, so choose your Rabbit holes (and causes) wisely, cultivate your relations from mutual benefit and discernment drawing in the magnetics of like-vibration personalities and the magic of interdependent origination. When you find your comfy “stable seat of comfort/content” – Sthira Sukham Asanam (Sanskrit-Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) – then you will make decisions which are in harmony with your Heart and Soul. Whether you carry a lucky rabbit’s foot or don’t believe in luck (or magic), there are the forces of Creation and karma – cause and effect, and even serendipity, which constantly teach us that we make our own luck and magic by how we position ourselves in the world. Let that sink in. Positioning well implies meditated or intentional actions or activities. Conscious creating and manifesting result from conscious thoughts, words, and deeds. We create our realities. Question: What are we creating? Be aware of the Rabbit’s Piscean tendency to escape or indulge in order to deal better with life on-coming; so we should be honest with ourselves but also not beat ourselves up. Also, by looking for results by searching for the “Perfect Teacher” or “Perfect Workshop” (lofty ideals), therefore waiting for “Perfect” to arrive, you may be missing out on dreaming and creating your brightest future in the coming days and months when this energy is the most potent. The mind of the Rabbit will look for the most enticing carrots dangling in front of it with the attitude “it’s gotta be good for me, right?” Well, without the inner inquiry and these trust-worthy answers we may find ourselves hopping on every feel-good band-wagon possible which also consumes our precious time, money, and resources. Remember that Self-inquiry is free and the Soul freely gives the timely answers you need to know, so why not start with sitting and quieting down the fast-twitch bunny reflexes and fight-or-flight states of our busy daily busy-ness, do walking meditations by the water to calm our nervous systems, i.e. slow down the brain’s constant super-computing, and jumpstart and cultivate our connections with the Natural World in all it’s YIN beauty during these first few Wintery months, and discover our comfy “steady seat of content” over-flowing with all the richness and wonder of starting anew, rebirthing, and awakening, yet again, to new horizons of awareness and presence. Being and Becoming. Let your Soul emerge and truly feel this merging within. You will be best served by “baby hops”, and Rabbit’s super keen listening and observation gifts before jumping into anything! As the year commences, and Mars (still in retrograde shadow), Mercury, and Uranus station direct (out of retrograde), you will feel your calls to action surfacing which will be made of the magic of your Hearts-in-motion and your Soul’s Journey to fill in the answers to your highest questions. Take some time to tune into the Rabbit’s lucky and protective colors, gems, and planetary support system; this research adventure will yield more power on your Journey, i.e. animate the Energizer Bunny. Also, making a point of Self-discovery through your Astrological natal birth chart and coming transits with a trust-worthy Astrologer or Seer will bring understanding of your unique and Divine evolutionary “blueprint” which greatly assists to chart your course through this precious time-space existence. May Source-God and Heaven and Earth shower you with all the Blessings, Peace, and Flow of such a Year the Rabbit holds Dear! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti, with Love. “Shedatέ” Deanne Marie, Blog Contributor A Happy Chinese Lunar New Year - February 1st 2022 - 21st January 2023, on this New Moon in Aquarius. Courtesy of Tai Chi instructor Deanne Eakin:
It has been 60 years since the last year of the Water Tiger (1962), and remember the liberating and ground-breaking energies of the 60's! Looking ahead and across to this auspicious next passage of human evolution, awakening, and transformation, we should discover the ways and means to cultivate and embody the energies and truly next-level gifts the majestic, wild, and rare "big CAT" catalyzes to inspire our daily lives! Think: Bold, Dramatic, Playful, Resourceful, Brave, Powerful, Passionate, Dignified, Cosmic, Strength, Confidence, Decisiveness. Let's break these energies and forces down... The masculine Yang is expansive and firey, whereas the Yin aspect represents contraction and the Water element - being the Universal forces of creation in the Chinese culture and worldview, i.e. how the world was created and how it works. This blend may play out or encourage a natural "balanced state" of these two opposite forces which ushers in the New Year with a balanced and calm foundation, so it is up to us to locate or "track" our baselines of balanced emotions, intellect, and activities right now whilst bathing in this light-filled New Moon at 12 degrees of Aquarius - particularly energizing these first few days of February. In the days and months to come, it would be most helpful to know the energies playing out in your natal astrological chart focusing on your major transits, your North Node (your Soul's true purpose for being here in skin), and where your Jupiter is and how it can guide and assist you during this wildly potent Jupiter transit in Jupiter-ruled Pisces. This transit is a meteoric CATALYST for spiritual awakening, learning, and transformation which, combined with regal Tiger's formidable presence and attributes, will undoubtedly ignite a time period which is destined to change the course of existence here on Earth (yet again, but with an Aquarian emphasis on the "People" NOT the "Power Structure") - opening the doors and windows for humanity to activate a more laser-focused attention to their personal and greater territories (individual microcosms and macrocosms), birthing new relationships, friendships, partnerships, alliances, opportunities, innovations, and ideas (Jupiter in Pisces higher/expansive imagination, exploration, and intuition) to enrich, enliven, embolden, enhance, and empower ALL of THAT which is closer to our Homes and Hearts, including our Inner-Cats! In summary, this coming year beckons us to deeply connect with our Inner-Light, and even more experientially profound, our playful Inner-Cat! We are moving from the steady, predictable work-horse Oxen energy where we learned slow and steady wins the race, staying true to yourself, and daily diligence and tenacity into the more dynamic, responsive and cosmically tuned intuitive and resourceful energies of this intensely-aware creature which oversees, protects, and thrives in its territory... it's Kingdom. Be it the Inner-Kingdom along with our dominant environments. And furthermore, it could be said that this year will be best served by a balanced, well-nourished, and incredibly agile and aware TIGER, whether in PLAYFUL mode or hunting POUNCE mode (being strategic, holding your ground, and remaining calm), and being even more deeply in tune with nature and other beings and creatures in its territories (practicing compassion) - rather than being whirled around in the chaos of the external and extended worlds (like a cat chasing its tail), remembering that the incoming and outgoing storms actually revolve around YOUR center, inner-peace, and calm. Traveling into different dimensions of existence and states is much encouraged and supported by these placements and transits, and can be done with experienced guidance via Soul Journeying, Past-life Regression, Yoga Nidra, Shamatha or Calm-Abiding Meditation, Zazen, Tai Chi, and Forest Bathing. Finding your Flow and Being in your Flow are choices we need to make on a daily basis, now more important than ever. The cultural and spiritual symbology of Tigers and Cats in more Traditions: In Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, the most powerful dieties/energies of protection and transformation fly across the vast ocean of consciousness on the backs of Tigers. In Inkan Shamanism, the Jaguar symbolizes the mental/emotional state, claiming and integrating your gifts and choices, AND owning your projections, beliefs and judgments. Also, the Jaguar energy has nothing to defend, nothing to prove, and no enemies. Journeying with Otorongo-Jaguar is a powerful tool to awaken our connection with Spirit and confide in this as our true stability, integrity, and wisdom we are never separate from. I hope this is a pivotal and profound year for ALL on every level. May the Forces of Tiger, Truth, and LOVE be with Us and weave throughout our lives and Hearts the most beautiful tapestry in this coming Year. IT is SO. There has increasingly been a lot more understanding that natural means of healthcare are effective and is now widely sought out. However, I warn against falling into the trap of using x for condition y that is so commonly used. These protocols, or recommendations, are information. They are not intended to be taken as the thing to do. Protocols are clear. They are easy to understand. These recommendations are also full of chemical isolates that work like a drug. Balance is always the key is restoring health in a bioregulatory way. Chemicals do not have healing properties, nor create biochemical balance. This isn’t to say that we cannot benefit from the use of temporary chemical intervention; extreme measures for extreme conditions that have been improperly addressed or failed to be addressed in a timely manner.
Experienced and highly trained professionals in the healing arts and healthcare field should avoid recommending standardized protocols. There is not a one size fits all and consumers fall prey because it's an easy method to go with. Scroll down to November's post to see the C19 Protocol comparison chart within my document in the blog titled "My Immune Protocol" that is downloadable. It elaborates on the point I am making here and helps you to rethink the supplements you've been taking. Remember, a way of addressing one's health that consists of the same model in which western medicine prescribe is still western medicine and likely has side effects. You don’t want to be supplementing based solely on symptomology either. This is when your practitioner considers how you are feeling and applies their knowledge and repertoire of what works for what maladies. On this note, I have a new and awesome software to catalog your symptoms in relation to the body systems. The program creates a Report of Findings and is good information that I take into account when building one's healthcare plan. This is a great place to begin, as a though intake is part (but not all) of my holistic healthcare methods. Check it out HERE. Simply create your log in (and save your password information as we will want to compare and contrast your symptoms in the future) then complete the secure form. Tracking your progress in this way monitors how you are doing, and the successes made that you may not have realized otherwise. Objective in-house testing makes your wellness plan solid, based on your individualized needs and affordable. Are you ready to have confidence in what you are taking and/or doing? This is what I provide; objective methods of evaluating what your needs are. For example, metabolic testing tells us your oxidation level (a marker of tissue damage/inflammation), what form of exercise is healthy and what would cause more damage via oxidation, and much more. Naturopathic healthcare is diverse and has roots in prevention with emphasis on maintaining one’s health. Restorative methods to wellness are my specialty. I work with the nervous system to uncover causative factors and bring back integration of the mind and body connection. This allows the body to self-correct along with the correct nutrition and lifestyle interventions. I have enjoyed creating valuable content over the 14 years in practice, refining my skills in presentation and offerings. I have two websites I maintain. This one I created to be a neutral site that I can use to collaborate with other professionals to offer packages and joint classes or programs and for the blog you are on. This is where I have a member’s portion that is password protected for the year-long course. There is a total of 83 pages! This is a ton of content on THIS SITE – who knew?
My regular site that is for my practice and which is found when people find me online is Heather Holistics Naturopathic Clinic. I have also recently added a practice management system that allows me to provide programs that you can go through at your own pace. I currently have three. Reboot, Revive & Thrive is 90-day program containing 50 modules. Taking My Power Back is a 40-day program that is for weight loss/management and contains 25 modules. Currently, I am offering this as part of a partnership with Transformation coach Jodi Parsons-Crisina. It is an awesome 12-week program with clinical evaluations and great support to truly crate the lasting change and the weight you want. Completely Connected is a custom-to -the-group program that varies in duration depending on the needs and desires of the group. I hope this breakdown provides a good overview of how to get engaged in what you are looking for, at the level you need with the adequate support required for success! Let's connect soon :) Although some may not find it necessary or intriguing to delve into matters of phycology, nor see a need for visiting a counselor. Or maybe you do and can't find one available. Either way, being connected to ourselves and our ability to genuinely connect to others is a life skill always worth working on. It can be a fun family activity, conversation starter or just something you do out of curiosity but either way, there are some resources that I find both valuable and enlightening. I think you'll find it worthwhile to invest some time into these links below. I just presented a talk about how people tend to deal with change and the challenges there are when there is change. The more change there is, the more choices there are to be made. Overwhelm can set in and when this happens, our energy becomes drained. We then can begin looking to less than ideal habits to numb out or for ways to find energy. The most important thing is relationships and when we are overwhelmed, we can't deeply and authentically connect with others as well. We end up feeling alone in our problems which is a slippery slope. So, I purpose that you grab a friend and join a book club together, or better yet, try one of these great resources: Look for the free test to take at the top right-hand portion of this web page below: Heart Math is a research institute dedicated to understanding stress and helping people to better manage it. Click on the image below to go to the website. If you are interested in purchasing any of the technologies, please contact me rather than purchasing online. I am part of a non-profit organization that benefits from the purchase of Heart Math equipment (at the same price, even on sale). If you are looking for more guided help, I encourage you to contact me for a review of the programs I offer at very affordable rates. You can look into them here:
I have had great success resolving colds and flues in less than a week. Feel free to download the information pack and check back in as things evolve. Pass on the information and bless you all.
DOWNLOAD NOW Also, if you are looking to get your taste and smell back, I can help you with that as well! I have had success using microcurrent technologies (biofeedback therapy). I'm always assessing how to bring balance in all things. This is a constant practice for me but especially a seasonal review, as it feels natural to reflect at the change of seasons and take inventory of what adjustments can and should be made.
Research shows that 27-45% of us are poor converters of the beta-carotenoid complex (sourced from vegetables like carrots and in supplements) to vitamin A. For this reason, I like to get my fat soluble vitamins (A & D) from eggs, butter (organic, grass-fed) and supplement with with Cod Liver Oil as a great source of naturally occurring Vitamin A and D. This is the only omega supplement I have found that goes down nicely and stays down (it doesn't have the fishy aftertaste)! Read up on how you may want to prepare for this season: Have you ever wondered why some people's demeanor seems ridged, consistently cranky or stubborn and defensive? Others are prone to anger and aggression while others are passive, perhaps even gullible or surrendering. Those passive types are actually low in calcium while the rigid people have too much. People deficient in copper can surrender to easily while those two high in copper tend towards depression but outbursts of anger. Depression can also be associated with low potassium levels while high potassium levels can lead to overachieving tendencies.
This is beyond nurture versus nature and takes those valid factors a step further. This is based on the analysis of the hair and values of minerals from the measurement we get from testing the hair that is a direct result of our cellular makeup; what we are digesting and assimilating that make up the tissues of our body. These ratios of minerals play a role in our personalities, outlook on life beyond what our environment has conditioned us to be as well as our constitutional personality. This is a fascinating science. Also, with the information from the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, nutritional correction can be implemented to benefit so much more than our physical health. Per the example above, this corrective action is for our mental and emotional balance as well. If this is an area you would like some support in, call for the test kit and also look into other offers available to manage stress and improve mood, mindset and performance such as neurofeedback, biofeedback, craniosacral and the Connection Practice. As of 2004, the Environmental Working Group found a total of 287 industrial chemicals in babies' umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer, 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 that cause birth or developmental defects in animals. Consider cleaning with Norwex cloths and eliminate toxic house hold cleaners (the less disposable product you buy, the better):
Can you imagine how many more toxins there are today? This study was done in 2004! My son, now almost 19 and graduating from high school (2021) was born in 2002 so, this really hits home for me. You may complete the online Toxicity Questionnaire to assess your toxic load. To formulate a healthcare plan we can work together on, please reach out! Do you know the role of glutathione and SOD? These metabolic enzymes our bodies produce help curb inflammation by being free-radical scavengers, speed healing and detoxification, improve endocrine function (hormonal imbalances), and so much more. With this breakthrough in biological science since the creation of penicillin or discovery of DNA, we are now able to supplement with a stabilized version of an organic substance (meaning our body produces it (called Redox Signaling)). Prior to this, only the body could make Redox molecules. It is not a drug, herb, vitamin, mineral, juice or nutrient. There are no stimulants, side effects or toxic substances. The world's first and only stable and bioactive solution that optimizes cellular efficiency and communication, thereby helping the body heal itself. Studies demonstrate how supplementation with Redox molecules upregulate the body’s production of metabolic enzymes such as Glutathione and Super Oxide Dismutase by 500% at the minimum! Don’t waste your precious dollars on antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that only combat oxidation at a 1:1 ratio when your body fights these free-radicals a thousands of times faster with metabolic enzymes. Learn more at *My Secret* - Virtual Healthcare ( Science Documents: How the body heals itself In-Vitro Bioactivity of ASEA™ Related to Toxicity, Glutathione Peroxidase, Superoxide Asea Metabolomic results Asea Verification of Molecules Athletic VT Report Dr. David Nieman PhD Appalachian State University video Product Usage Guide Asea Safety Results Although we greatly rely on the internet in this age of information readily available to us, it is still challenging to obtain reliable information about natural methods of healing. Herbs are as complex as we are in ways. They have properties that are warming or cooling and help move energy to or away from certain areas of the body. This is just a fraction of what all to consider in choosing to work with herbs. Let us help. If you are ready to begin assessing your custom herbal formula, select the form: Chinese Medicine Profiling Form (Wei Labs) Fill out the form and upload it to the webform the button below will take you to. We'll then be in touch! To get a good overview of my practice please visit this HealthEnews! Thanks :)
Below is a list of supplements that I would like to see go to a good home. Get a 30% off discount! These are professional grade, organic whole food supplements (Standard Process):
Black Currant Seed Oil is the go-to for any skin issues. Gymnema – an herb that is for the control of blood sugar. It is indicated also for weight loss as it helps curb cravings. HiPep – an herbal remedy for heart burn. Inositol chewable tablets are delightful after a meal when you want something sweet but, therapeutically, this seemingly mild B Vitamin cofactor is surprisingly powerfully effective in many cases. Do you crave sweets? How about a microbiome imbalance? I have too much inventory and would like to scale down so, if you are looking for something in particular, please let me know. I also have a dispensary available to you for your online convenient shopping of the best quality supplements. Please note, all the above are classified as “generally safe”, in other words, an evaluation is not required. However, allergic reactions are always a possibility. If you have a tendency towards reactions, please use caution and start with a minor dose. It came to my attention the other day that I assume people know all the various things they can come to me for. So many people over the years I have worked with in the past have later come in for Biofeedback therapy or to recheck their hormones or whatever it was that they initially came to me for in the first place. I then learn they went through some health issue that, if I would have known about, a major trauma could have been avoided. This happens every so often and pulls on my heart strings. So, I want to do a better job expressing that I am here for you and there is little, if anything I can’t address. Remember, when you work with me, you have access to specialist in just about every field. Right out of college I jumped into Functional Diagnostic Medicine. This was amazing training in how to assess what functional tests to perform and with the training, I can resource neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists and other fields of specialty at my fingertips. I really enjoy this and have learned so much from putting heads together of difficult cases. One more thought on this note, with any circumstance, stress reduction is always helpful. Something else to keep in mind is PMG Therapy. For any gland or organ, there is a DNA code and to supplement with that is called PMG Therapy. This is what sets Standard Process apart from other professional grade supplement lines.
Speaking of codes, just as computers are coded to run specific software, our body works in a similar way. It is easy to read where the trouble lies. Have you had a body scan lately? As many of you know, I’ve done Biofeedback Therapy for years and I love it but I really wish to get away from using so many devices, just as I was having this desire and looking to use more hands on therapies, low and behold, a handheld device made for the everyday person came out. This is great news! Now you can get bioenergetic balancing daily in just a few minutes by either renting a device or purchasing one. Call for details! My new body scanner provides a detailed vitals report and 3D Imaging. Check it out. This is something I couldn’t generate with the clinical device. It also doesn’t take an hour for testing and therapy, rather just minutes! This means, you can have me review your tests once a month and just enjoy the frequent therapies, daily if desired. Not only will you get better results, it costs you less! I’m curious, how much do you spend on your smart phone per year? How much do you spend on apps? How about coffee or eating out? How many extraneous expenses do you incur? What would life be like if you put away $200 each month toward your health? What would it take to be inspired to make yourself your spring fling and invest in YOU! I don’t think “I have to take my pills”, no... rather, both my mind and body say “I get to be nourished now”. This is why I take all the supplements that I do. I know and feel the difference. I supplement purely for preventative purposes because, to me, without good health, life isn’t worth living. I don’t wish to live long, only well. I want to feel great so I can enjoy the life I get to while it lasts.
I eat for calories, supplement for nutrition. As good as my diet may be, it just doesn’t provide all that is needed. Our soil is depleted. It takes many more times the food to get the necessary amount of nutrition - far more than we could ever eat. That’s why we thought of taking supplements, but many people don’t know they are making deficiencies worse with over the counter synthetic multivitamins! And we wonder why we are hungry, tired, over feed yet undernourished? It’s really no mystery when you begin to understand the difference between whole food concentrates as supplements as opposed to chemical isolates. When I think of consuming food, I think to take my nutrition - that’s what supplementation is... to supplement our food source with nutrient-dense whole food concentrates (or should be). I have a colleague that teaches protocols in triads. With any condition, he would say you must think of the mineral, vitamin and restorative protein (PMG) for the system that needs nourished so it can heal. For example, take adrenal fatigue - the ever so common root issue with many conditions. The adrenal glands need a lot of potassium (Mineral), they use a lot of vitamin C and the PMG Therapy would be one of three adrenal glandular supplements (depending on the stage of hypoadrena and dependent on blood pressure). There is much benefit to working with a professional that can assess your condition and needs. I particularly favor the Standard Process Pro line as I have found it to be most effective at making true and lasting change for people. You can’t take isolated chemicals and expect to get results. To illustrate this, I will share my latest discovery personally. I occasionally would do what I call the “mini thyroid test” on myself. It’s called this because you apply iodine tincture on the soft skin of the forearm and see how long it stains the skin. My body would soak it up within hours. Ideally, it should stain the skin for 24 hours if you had enough iodine helping the thyroid function optimally. I began putting iodine on my skin almost daily with little improvement. The most it stained my skin was 6 or so hours. I did however not feel so cold. Most practitioners would recommend taking iodine internally. However, I began taking Organically Bound Minerals, a supplement with kelp (a great source of plant-based iodine). I tested out the mini thyroid test not longer than just a week after supplementing with OBM and my iodine stain lasted more than 10 hours. This is a significant difference being that I had been applying the iodine tincture to my skin for months compared to just a week of plant-based iodine. Within just weeks of OBM supplementation (plant-based) my iodine patch now maintains stains for 24 hours. The lesson here is that more is not better and nature-made is superior. Getting a chemically based supplement may look appealing because you see on the label a larger amount of the nutrients measured out than you would see on a whole-food based supplement. Often, whole-food supplements do not measure out much at all as far as the label reads. One thing for sure that experience has taught me is that nature has its delivery system figured out! You gain more nutrition from less in measured out chemical isolates because you body absorbs and utilizes 100% of the plant-based source compared to just a fraction of the chemical source. There are side effects of chemically-based supplements – they have a drug like effect. Especially iodine as it is a strong antibacterial. With kelp, you get a synergistic blend of nutrients and cofactors that help in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Alternately, taking iodine as a mineral itself can kill good bacteria in the gut and lead to problems subsequently. Speaking of cofactors… READ ON “Yoga is indeed associated with certain metaphysical notions, but the practice itself does not require that we adopt them” states George Feuerstein, Ph.D in the book Living Yoga A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life. In this same book, a compilation of several authors, Joan Borysenko comments on how, in this country, psychology and medicine don’t have a place for the questions of spirituality. Such questions on the deeper meaning of life such as “who am I?” and “what is human life?”. I would like to add the question “is it possible to heal the past (and future) when we actively work to heal the present?”. Can you think of a situation to where this applies for you? And, if so, how would it change/improve things?
Yoga is a universal art. Most stereotypes of it are dead wrong. There are many misunderstandings of yoga but it is for anyone drawn to higher moral and virtues of life and any form of it, whether that be in meditation or the physical asana practice, it is inevitable that growth, a better state of balance and a sense of well-being results. It is true that there are postures called asanas but that is just one branch of an eight-fold path, one that is not a religion. I would place emphasis on yoga being experimentation of self-reflection, reality and beliefs. To continue reading CLICK HERE There are red flags that tell me someone’s health is in trouble and is in need of rectification. Anything that doesn’t normalize is telling a story. Groups of symptoms in Allopathic Medicine create a “diagnosis” while in Alternative Medicine, these same symptoms paint a picture that speaks volumes as to the underlying issue and thus the path of corrective actions.
We uncover and address root issues such as the state of the metabolism that, if not balanced, causes heartburn, stiff muscles and joints (especially upon rising in the morning), thyroid and adrenal problems. Subclinical signs such as watery eyes or sensitivity to light are all the little details we want to hear about! Contact us for a conversation on how we can help. I like to spread positively so, I’d like submissions of poems. Please submit topics of joy, family or health and leave it as a comment below. You can also simply submit your testimony about working with me. If you are selected as winner, you will be contacted. The gift is a surprise and it is substantial.
Christmas is just days away. If you still need a special gift for someone you love, think of a gift certificate or our handmade organic spa line. Give thoughtful gifts with meaning and purpose. Purchase a gift certificate for the clinic at 20% off or Health Hut Spa Therapeutics package and get 10% off the regular price. If you are not familiar with the product line, take a look on facebook. Or look at the brochure found on this site. Some may be shocked to hear that I take 20 different supplements, yet I do not have any condition that requires it. I call this proactive medicine. Our food simply does not provide the nutrients to sustain health. Our systems begin to break down without adequate nutrition. This includes protein. Americans typically consume plenty of protein and supplement sales are sky high... so why are we so depleted? We supplement with isolates that lack the phytonutrients and co-enzymes in plant and animal matter when raw and undenatured.
Along with healthy lifestyle choices, I believe the key in my maintained health is causally related to the whole-food supplements I take. Furthermore, they are not just supplements made form food – they contain specialized proteins called PMG therapy. These specialized proteins are the DNA material of glands and organs. Remember eating Liver? If you're not old enough to be part of that generation, you might recall your grandparents speaking of it… this form of protein is nutrient rich. However, cooking it denatures much of the protein. PMG Therapy goes far beyond nutrition. Consuming small amounts of these specialized proteins (specific to your need) increases the gland/organ function. For Traumatic Brain Injury, Adrenal Fatigue and other endocrine/hormone related issues, for repair of the liver, kidney’s or immune system – think PMG Therapy! And for auto-immune conditions the PMG’s work as a distraction to the attacked organ system. This can profoundly shift your state of inflammation and give the body a chance to heal itself. This is just one way I make sure to care for myself. Of course, being in the field I am in, I eat clean. I know what I should personally avoid and how to fine tune what is a good and balanced diet for myself. I also enjoy walks in nature and a regular yoga practice. Additionally, a healthy social life is important. I am close with both sides of my beloved family and spend quality time with loved ones. Some of us are not so privileged to have the fortune of our dear ones near to us. Or we are socially distancing so we cannot hug and connect in more common ways that we are accustom to with our dear ones. Sharing meals is traditionally a cultural theme around the Holiday’s as well as a bonding practice in general. What are you preparing to for this Holiday season? How will you navigate this terrain? I know one thing is for sure and that is my mental health is also of top priority. Even during times of isolation there are great ways to connect. Unfortunately, these typically come with the cost of screen time – and worse yet EMF exposure. It’s quite a balancing act to obtain health these days and I am here to solution find with you! |
January 2024