There has increasingly been a lot more understanding that natural means of healthcare are effective and is now widely sought out. However, I warn against falling into the trap of using x for condition y that is so commonly used. These protocols, or recommendations, are information. They are not intended to be taken as the thing to do. Protocols are clear. They are easy to understand. These recommendations are also full of chemical isolates that work like a drug. Balance is always the key is restoring health in a bioregulatory way. Chemicals do not have healing properties, nor create biochemical balance. This isn’t to say that we cannot benefit from the use of temporary chemical intervention; extreme measures for extreme conditions that have been improperly addressed or failed to be addressed in a timely manner.
Experienced and highly trained professionals in the healing arts and healthcare field should avoid recommending standardized protocols. There is not a one size fits all and consumers fall prey because it's an easy method to go with. Scroll down to November's post to see the C19 Protocol comparison chart within my document in the blog titled "My Immune Protocol" that is downloadable. It elaborates on the point I am making here and helps you to rethink the supplements you've been taking. Remember, a way of addressing one's health that consists of the same model in which western medicine prescribe is still western medicine and likely has side effects. You don’t want to be supplementing based solely on symptomology either. This is when your practitioner considers how you are feeling and applies their knowledge and repertoire of what works for what maladies. On this note, I have a new and awesome software to catalog your symptoms in relation to the body systems. The program creates a Report of Findings and is good information that I take into account when building one's healthcare plan. This is a great place to begin, as a though intake is part (but not all) of my holistic healthcare methods. Check it out HERE. Simply create your log in (and save your password information as we will want to compare and contrast your symptoms in the future) then complete the secure form. Tracking your progress in this way monitors how you are doing, and the successes made that you may not have realized otherwise. Objective in-house testing makes your wellness plan solid, based on your individualized needs and affordable. Are you ready to have confidence in what you are taking and/or doing? This is what I provide; objective methods of evaluating what your needs are. For example, metabolic testing tells us your oxidation level (a marker of tissue damage/inflammation), what form of exercise is healthy and what would cause more damage via oxidation, and much more. Naturopathic healthcare is diverse and has roots in prevention with emphasis on maintaining one’s health. Restorative methods to wellness are my specialty. I work with the nervous system to uncover causative factors and bring back integration of the mind and body connection. This allows the body to self-correct along with the correct nutrition and lifestyle interventions.
I have enjoyed creating valuable content over the 14 years in practice, refining my skills in presentation and offerings. I have two websites I maintain. This one I created to be a neutral site that I can use to collaborate with other professionals to offer packages and joint classes or programs and for the blog you are on. This is where I have a member’s portion that is password protected for the year-long course. There is a total of 83 pages! This is a ton of content on THIS SITE – who knew?
My regular site that is for my practice and which is found when people find me online is Heather Holistics Naturopathic Clinic. I have also recently added a practice management system that allows me to provide programs that you can go through at your own pace. I currently have three. Reboot, Revive & Thrive is 90-day program containing 50 modules. Taking My Power Back is a 40-day program that is for weight loss/management and contains 25 modules. Currently, I am offering this as part of a partnership with Transformation coach Jodi Parsons-Crisina. It is an awesome 12-week program with clinical evaluations and great support to truly crate the lasting change and the weight you want. Completely Connected is a custom-to -the-group program that varies in duration depending on the needs and desires of the group. I hope this breakdown provides a good overview of how to get engaged in what you are looking for, at the level you need with the adequate support required for success! Let's connect soon :) Although some may not find it necessary or intriguing to delve into matters of phycology, nor see a need for visiting a counselor. Or maybe you do and can't find one available. Either way, being connected to ourselves and our ability to genuinely connect to others is a life skill always worth working on. It can be a fun family activity, conversation starter or just something you do out of curiosity but either way, there are some resources that I find both valuable and enlightening. I think you'll find it worthwhile to invest some time into these links below. I just presented a talk about how people tend to deal with change and the challenges there are when there is change. The more change there is, the more choices there are to be made. Overwhelm can set in and when this happens, our energy becomes drained. We then can begin looking to less than ideal habits to numb out or for ways to find energy. The most important thing is relationships and when we are overwhelmed, we can't deeply and authentically connect with others as well. We end up feeling alone in our problems which is a slippery slope. So, I purpose that you grab a friend and join a book club together, or better yet, try one of these great resources: Look for the free test to take at the top right-hand portion of this web page below: Heart Math is a research institute dedicated to understanding stress and helping people to better manage it. Click on the image below to go to the website. If you are interested in purchasing any of the technologies, please contact me rather than purchasing online. I am part of a non-profit organization that benefits from the purchase of Heart Math equipment (at the same price, even on sale). If you are looking for more guided help, I encourage you to contact me for a review of the programs I offer at very affordable rates. You can look into them here:
January 2025