The Chinese New Year for 2023 is January 22, 2023 One of my Favorite jokes is one where you have to put your personality into it, and it goes like this: “How do you catch a rabbit?” Wait for it… (picture the puzzled face being asked such a simple question) and the smiling confident voice continues … “Hello!... you make a noise like a carrot!” A deep belly laugh and joy infusing the simplest deeds and words shall lighten up life and light the way into this new Lunar time passage energized (and blessed) by the Water Rabbit! This is a good time to put all your favorite Rabbit references into enlightened form and practice!
Throughout the World, and especially in North Idaho, we have experienced a notably present Water Element starting last Spring and ramping up again in late Fall. The mountains have been pounded with snow in parts of the West so far this Winter and record continuous rainfall (and snowfall) is unceasing as we continue with the Water element for another Lunar Year. Here we are still so deeply connected with the Water Element so the focus is on the growth, clarity, abundance, and beauty which are gifts of this Element, and with Rabbit’s influence we are supported to flow with the everchanging tides of our individual Journeys and that of the Collective in profound and powerful ways. To better understand the Rabbit’s nature, this fun-loving cuddly, easy friend is of the Zodiac sign of Pisces, infused now with the watery, dreamy planet Neptune. Imagine “higher octave/higher dimensions” Bunny, as Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, which flows into our psyches and expresses through dreams, creativity through mature or more refined expressions of music, painting, dancing, and writing, and higher-minded learning pursuits like intuitive Spiritual practices, Astrology, Feng Shui, Vaastu, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong – for example. Lofty ideals and increased sensitivity are blessings to light up your path, but can also perpetuate movies in your mind by playing out more versions of dualistic victim/savior relationships which are dominating parts of our lives. This perpetuation without inquiry and transformation can drain your vital creative reserves, so use this refined energy to play out the scenarios most beneficial to manifesting a World you will thrive in! Release that which are the old worn-out movies created by others and assume the pivotal role of Creator, which you are, and use the energies of this alignment to embody Peace within and practice kindness to yourself – start with yourself let it ripple out. Rather than approach your chosen activities and inspirations with the eye of the Tiger, or an extra shot of Tequila, as in this past Lunar year, come inside and quiet down as this is a very supportive time of Self-reinvention, healing, renewal, and dreaming. The inner gates of Self-realization are opening wide so dreaming your best and highest Self and World into Being is an honorable and worthy theme for this coming Rabbit Year. In fact, the timing couldn’t be better! Further catalyzing this lucky Piscean Rabbit journey, expansive Guru Jupiter is in the 1st degrees of Firey Aries which is a not-so-subtle invitation to live your best life starting today! Aries holds the space for new beginnings. These auspicious energetic alignments can help propel us through the densities and disenchantments holding us bondage, through to dissolving and heightened discernment birthing new clarity and wisdom to start creating and then grounding that which is for our highest good and evolution. This is the inner work of the Rabbit, so choose your Rabbit holes (and causes) wisely, cultivate your relations from mutual benefit and discernment drawing in the magnetics of like-vibration personalities and the magic of interdependent origination. When you find your comfy “stable seat of comfort/content” – Sthira Sukham Asanam (Sanskrit-Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) – then you will make decisions which are in harmony with your Heart and Soul. Whether you carry a lucky rabbit’s foot or don’t believe in luck (or magic), there are the forces of Creation and karma – cause and effect, and even serendipity, which constantly teach us that we make our own luck and magic by how we position ourselves in the world. Let that sink in. Positioning well implies meditated or intentional actions or activities. Conscious creating and manifesting result from conscious thoughts, words, and deeds. We create our realities. Question: What are we creating? Be aware of the Rabbit’s Piscean tendency to escape or indulge in order to deal better with life on-coming; so we should be honest with ourselves but also not beat ourselves up. Also, by looking for results by searching for the “Perfect Teacher” or “Perfect Workshop” (lofty ideals), therefore waiting for “Perfect” to arrive, you may be missing out on dreaming and creating your brightest future in the coming days and months when this energy is the most potent. The mind of the Rabbit will look for the most enticing carrots dangling in front of it with the attitude “it’s gotta be good for me, right?” Well, without the inner inquiry and these trust-worthy answers we may find ourselves hopping on every feel-good band-wagon possible which also consumes our precious time, money, and resources. Remember that Self-inquiry is free and the Soul freely gives the timely answers you need to know, so why not start with sitting and quieting down the fast-twitch bunny reflexes and fight-or-flight states of our busy daily busy-ness, do walking meditations by the water to calm our nervous systems, i.e. slow down the brain’s constant super-computing, and jumpstart and cultivate our connections with the Natural World in all it’s YIN beauty during these first few Wintery months, and discover our comfy “steady seat of content” over-flowing with all the richness and wonder of starting anew, rebirthing, and awakening, yet again, to new horizons of awareness and presence. Being and Becoming. Let your Soul emerge and truly feel this merging within. You will be best served by “baby hops”, and Rabbit’s super keen listening and observation gifts before jumping into anything! As the year commences, and Mars (still in retrograde shadow), Mercury, and Uranus station direct (out of retrograde), you will feel your calls to action surfacing which will be made of the magic of your Hearts-in-motion and your Soul’s Journey to fill in the answers to your highest questions. Take some time to tune into the Rabbit’s lucky and protective colors, gems, and planetary support system; this research adventure will yield more power on your Journey, i.e. animate the Energizer Bunny. Also, making a point of Self-discovery through your Astrological natal birth chart and coming transits with a trust-worthy Astrologer or Seer will bring understanding of your unique and Divine evolutionary “blueprint” which greatly assists to chart your course through this precious time-space existence. May Source-God and Heaven and Earth shower you with all the Blessings, Peace, and Flow of such a Year the Rabbit holds Dear! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti, with Love. “Shedatέ” Deanne Marie, Blog Contributor
January 2025