Credit: Shedate Deanne (provides our annual write-up for the Chinese New Year)
This past year… Did you become clearer about your passions, gifts, and opportunities? Did you solidify or establish a daily/regular yoga or meditation practice? Did you practice more Sattvic activities, eat more Sattvic food? Did you feel more peaceful in your Being; is Peace more accessible now? Did you discover new ways of tuning into Nature which fortified your Life? In Five-element theory, the health of our Wood element determines our capacity to express growth and move forward in the world, leaving stagnation (of Winter/mind/body) behind. A strong Wood element enables one to take action backed by an exceptional capacity for perseverance and discipline. Strengthening the Wood element by using various Qigong forms and cleansing liver/gall bladder/blood in the Springtime may help us function better on many levels that surprise us, and even enhance our sensing faculties to access more profound wisdom from our bodies and environments, plus experience more compassion for self and others. Wood encompasses the "Spring season" period of growth, renewal, rising up, springing forward, blooming, and radiant youthful beauty. Combined with the Emerald Dragon energy, we could very well experience a significant infusion of... READ ON
January 2025