The following have been linked to ADD:
If you’ve ever familiarized yourself with Ayurveda and it’s rituals throughout the seasons, its ways of eating and seemingly odd “treatments”. You’d begin to understand the mechanisms in place to eliminate waste. If you have a few extra pounds on you, any variety of complaints, even minor such as awaking with the need to blow your nose excessively and clear phlegm from your throat, you likely have neglected to pay attention to the signals your body has attempted to communicate a need for change!
Here you will find a self-assessment for your toxicity load your body is experiencing. Take the test! What I teach my client’s is about foods that are most beneficial for their body and how to become aware of when tolerations extend to detriments in the early stages with signs like reddening of lips, drying of skin, or slight headaches after consumption. Consume every reasonable food in moderation, then listen to what your body says! For instance, I had a square of chocolate after dinner which I found delightful, then I ate two more. By the third square I could feel my lips drying, my vitality took a decline and I knew enough was enough. If you are looking to tune more into what the ideal diet is for your constitution. I am offering a $20 off initial consultations fees. Often, we underestimate what power there is in love, and most of all, giving love! As much as we can keep the endorphins flowing, the better! A healthy outlook on life depends greatly in these “happy chemicals” our body produces when we have happy thoughts, laugh, and share feelings of love. Love itself heals! The term “hardened heart”, we’re all familiar with and it rears its ugly head in us all sometimes.
Just as it is a challenge to fight the urge to avoid all the tasks awaiting (especially when it’s so cold), it is equally so to muster up the energy to go the extra mile for those you love (particularly when encountered with cold heartedness). Although, when you are intentional about overcoming this hurdle, you find value in it! Its a feedback loop that feeds us! What you put out will come back – most of the time! A fine way to give and receive some love at the same time is to hold a spa party with some friends! Hosting a spa event gets you a foot reflexology session! Learn more here. I find it ironic that Valentine’s Day is in a cold month. It just goes to show you that it takes some effort to warm up to the task at hand.. what is that for you? Finding ways to show loved ones you care? Is it getting motivated enough to exercise? We are such a “me” oriented culture, not to mention over-taxed and worn down (which reminds me of a product for the “wired yet tired”). However, it is so rewarding to give of yourself! Put your heart into someone today then gauge your energy levels. An adrenal adaptogenic herbal tonic taken to address stress prevents heart problems; this is the "wired and tired" formula! Ask for your free stress assess - happy Valentines Day! |
January 2025