Our bodies are working extra hard unnecessarily; (liver, lymphatic system, kidneys and more), impairing your immune system and causing toxic overload. Easy steps you can take to improve your health – and the health of those around you! 1 Eliminate products that contain toxic synthetic fragrance in the following:
2Become more informed on this topic and know the effects of how exposure to synthetic fragrances has increased your body’s burden. 100% of perfumes contain toluene that causes liver, kidney and brain damage in adults — imagine the effects on the fetus and our developing children! Now think of the pandemic of autism.... Chemicals in fragrances are known to cause the following:
When you feel out-of-sorts, it makes you less tolerant of things you wouldn't otherwise have a reaction to. Face it, we are generally more irritable when we don't feel well; this is evident when we have the cold or flu. Children, and often times adults, don’t often connect that something caused a reaction. Triggers can span from emotional reactions to a rash or feeling like you’re coming down with a cold, when in reality a synthetic chemical caused an immune response. Wouldn’t it make life easier not to have to deal with defiant behaviors, emotional outbreaks and acute diseases in your children? I encourage you to rid your home of everyday products containing synthetic fragrances. See how much better your family feels! Happy spring cleaning! PS Those afflicted with autism and disorders along that spectrum experience measurable benefits from cleaning up their environments
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Using natural means of recovery requires enough knowledge about it to easily assess and apply. When it comes to Parenting we often forget how, what and when to utilize these easy, affordable and effective healing remedies. Fear takes hold... You know how it is; "I wish I..." "I could have", and " why didn't I" flood your mind after the fact.
We are now offering the fam plan! A small monthly charge for health advice whenever and as needed! We've all been there
January 2025