The natural state of our mind is to be at peace yet the tension one feels when it is not is a direct result of the discomfort created by the busyness of modern living. It is fact that our memory and creativity is at its best when in a relaxed state. Our minds are more capable of processing ideas and we are generally more in control when our body’s are at peace. It is the nature of sleep, of true happiness and needed for healing. Being in a relaxed state allows you to put your life into the perspective of a whole - of a world in which you are a part of where all is interconnected. Energy can be thought of as contagious in the way that it transfers easily from one person to the next. Just pay attention to someone that passes you in an oncoming vehicle. Without coming into contact with them, you sense their vibe. It is just a flash of a moment and yet it can impact you, if you are not consciously monitoring your vibration; you’ve heard the phrase “it rubs off on you”.... Through breath we can bring energy into our body. This is an ancient understanding forgotten all to often. Imagine as you inhale that you are gathering life supporting energy and that with every breath it purifies all of your body, mind and soul. There is no part of your being that this life force energy cannot reach and inhabit. It is purifying, healing and life-giving. Everything that you do not want is purged with each breath; the stress, the tension, anger and fear. This is a very effective process but requires a heightened sense of awareness of your breathing. Despite your years on this earth, you haven’t likely mastered this most basic function of life.
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January 2025