Although we greatly rely on the internet in this age of information readily available to us, it is still challenging to obtain reliable information about natural methods of healing. Herbs are as complex as we are in ways. They have properties that are warming or cooling and help move energy to or away from certain areas of the body. This is just a fraction of what all to consider in choosing to work with herbs. Let us help. If you are ready to begin assessing your custom herbal formula, select the form: Chinese Medicine Profiling Form (Wei Labs) Fill out the form and upload it to the webform the button below will take you to. We'll then be in touch! To get a good overview of my practice please visit this HealthEnews! Thanks :)
Below is a list of supplements that I would like to see go to a good home. Get a 30% off discount! These are professional grade, organic whole food supplements (Standard Process):
Black Currant Seed Oil is the go-to for any skin issues. Gymnema – an herb that is for the control of blood sugar. It is indicated also for weight loss as it helps curb cravings. HiPep – an herbal remedy for heart burn. Inositol chewable tablets are delightful after a meal when you want something sweet but, therapeutically, this seemingly mild B Vitamin cofactor is surprisingly powerfully effective in many cases. Do you crave sweets? How about a microbiome imbalance? I have too much inventory and would like to scale down so, if you are looking for something in particular, please let me know. I also have a dispensary available to you for your online convenient shopping of the best quality supplements. Please note, all the above are classified as “generally safe”, in other words, an evaluation is not required. However, allergic reactions are always a possibility. If you have a tendency towards reactions, please use caution and start with a minor dose. It came to my attention the other day that I assume people know all the various things they can come to me for. So many people over the years I have worked with in the past have later come in for Biofeedback therapy or to recheck their hormones or whatever it was that they initially came to me for in the first place. I then learn they went through some health issue that, if I would have known about, a major trauma could have been avoided. This happens every so often and pulls on my heart strings. So, I want to do a better job expressing that I am here for you and there is little, if anything I can’t address. Remember, when you work with me, you have access to specialist in just about every field. Right out of college I jumped into Functional Diagnostic Medicine. This was amazing training in how to assess what functional tests to perform and with the training, I can resource neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists and other fields of specialty at my fingertips. I really enjoy this and have learned so much from putting heads together of difficult cases. One more thought on this note, with any circumstance, stress reduction is always helpful. Something else to keep in mind is PMG Therapy. For any gland or organ, there is a DNA code and to supplement with that is called PMG Therapy. This is what sets Standard Process apart from other professional grade supplement lines.
Speaking of codes, just as computers are coded to run specific software, our body works in a similar way. It is easy to read where the trouble lies. Have you had a body scan lately? As many of you know, I’ve done Biofeedback Therapy for years and I love it but I really wish to get away from using so many devices, just as I was having this desire and looking to use more hands on therapies, low and behold, a handheld device made for the everyday person came out. This is great news! Now you can get bioenergetic balancing daily in just a few minutes by either renting a device or purchasing one. Call for details! My new body scanner provides a detailed vitals report and 3D Imaging. Check it out. This is something I couldn’t generate with the clinical device. It also doesn’t take an hour for testing and therapy, rather just minutes! This means, you can have me review your tests once a month and just enjoy the frequent therapies, daily if desired. Not only will you get better results, it costs you less! I’m curious, how much do you spend on your smart phone per year? How much do you spend on apps? How about coffee or eating out? How many extraneous expenses do you incur? What would life be like if you put away $200 each month toward your health? What would it take to be inspired to make yourself your spring fling and invest in YOU! |
January 2025