Chinese medical protocols, administered correctly can have a great impact on the healing process and act as a re-set. Some of us look for that magic bullet with promises of hope applying very little effort. Long-term supplement plans can feel too expensive over time or we just get tired of taking a handful of pills day after day. How does one or two weeks of taking just one herbal remedy sound? This may be truly as simple as it sounds. For instance, if someone comes to me with a gut related issue, through my evaluations, I may find the liver Qi is stagnant. In which case, one herbal tonic may resolve the whole host of symptoms that otherwise may have cost that patient with the same scenario months of treatment in working to address the presenting main symptoms of, say heartburn/acid reflux, constipation alternating with loose stools and frequent stomachaches only to have a re-occurrence later. In this case, because these gut symptoms were relatively acute (not long-standing), supporting the liver provided just enough correction to the underling cause.
Get started for FREE – first three only! Reserve your spot! When treatment is miss-addressed, or handled in such a sway that goes against natures order of healing (from below up), you will find that, over the course of time different conditions will occur above (positionally in the body) from the previous or original condition. The exact opposite is true for healing. Shifts made in the energy body, and functionality with the systems in the physical body will present themselves as a course of healing action when different conditions begin to move down the body. This is especially the case for anyone with chronic health issues. This is the value of working with a practitioner trained in the healing art of Chinese Medicine.
Nearly 60,000,000 Americans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headaches and fibromyalgia. Approximately 1/3 of them suffer moderate to severely debilitating symptoms, are refractory to standard therapies, and are actively seeking a solution for their illness. So, what do IBS, migraine, and fibromyalgia have in common?
In many cases, dietary triggers such as foods and food chemicals provoke symptoms. Numerous peer-reviewed controlled studies confirm this fact. Yet for the vast majority of physicians, diet remains one of the most overlooked and disregarded areas of treatment. A dietary problem requires a dietary solution. And that dietary solution is best administered by a practitioner extensively trained in food, biochemistry, and diets. If food and food chemicals play a role in making a patient ill, how can the patient get well without appropriately addressing diet? The truth is they can’t. That’s why so many patients suffering from these conditions are refractory to conventional drug therapies – because drugs don’t address the underlying problem. Since medications are the primary treatment modality used by most physicians, it’s unrealistic to expect any improvement in outcomes. Where is a starting place? Who is addressing these symptoms that arise to communicate a problem? Furthermore, who is able to discern what they mean? For instance, a Chinese physician looks at the tongue for clues as to what is happening, especially within the digestive system. On your own you can use a food journal. Simply write down your intake and any effects. You will learn to take an active role in your healthcare and become more observant of subtle effects. Secondly, a thorough food sensitivity test provides you evidence and assurance of your own feels about what may be causing a biological upset within your system. My current favorite is with Alcat Labs. “To heal, make whole.” This indicates that health is the ability to function in a unified way, in which all parts and living processes interact with each other in a complex, balanced exchange. Find out what blockages you have energetically with a biofeedback scan a therapy. If you are not sure about this and would like a sample session, I am offering these at just $30! I think we can all agree that our current medical model has let us down in one way or another. Especially in the sense that we perpetually “prescribe drugs of which we know little about, for a condition we understand even less, to a human of the least known”. ~ An altered quote from The Laws of Medicine Stay tuned and be sure you are subscribed to my HealthEnews! Here is the latest: |
January 2025