Serotonin, previously thought of as a hormone, that is known as neurotransmitter in which 95% of is actually made in the lining of the gut rather than in the brain. It is what anti-depressants drugs like Prozac work off of. Our body’s make serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan. However, tryptophan needs vitamin B6, and B6 needs sufficient amounts of zinc for B6 to convert into an active form where it works as a co-enzyme and to make tryptophan effectively, thus make serotonin. There is plenty of talk about vitamin B deficiencies and the popularity of vitamin B supplements. Many vitamins, and especially the B’s are some of the most toxic, synthesized from petroleum. I warn against self-administering supplements that are not whole-food sourced. This is a big topic. For more information: see article (pdf) for the four primary ways to determine if your supplements are made from food or toxic carcinogenic substances. Keep in mind that many supplements off the shelves of the stores are owned by the pharmaceutical companies. These larger companies are owned by Big Pharma, and there are hundreds of them. They are able to buy greater quantities, thus demand lower cost from less developed countries. This demand is dollar driven, quality doesn’t factor in. A quick gauge on this is of the price. This is truly one of those things that the famous saying "you get what you pay for" really applies. If you are getting professional grade supplements that do third party testing for quality, you are generally in good hands. See article entitled Nutrients and Assimilation for more information on this. As you may know, trace minerals are essential for the function of the cells. You may be wondering how best to get your much-needed zinc if you already can’t digest and assimilate efficiently? Major Mineral Mix is a liquid mineral supplement that does not require any digestion or breakdown of any kind because the particles are so small. It is called “angstrom sized” meaning smaller than the cells of the body. This can be applied topically and absorbed through your skin, or taken orally. Tasteless and clear, these minerals are the smallest size available and the body knows what to do when the digestive tract doesn't! These minerals can be ordered to suite your needs. I highly recommend Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and custom minerals based on these results! However, without the test, a good blend of all the essential minerals can be yours for a 1-3 month supply, depending on how much you take, for just $35. Major Mineral Mix (16 ounces) is an ionic (charged and ready for the body to utilize) liquid, tasteless, 100% absorbable and vital for health!
January 2025