Have you ever wondered why some people's demeanor seems ridged, consistently cranky or stubborn and defensive? Others are prone to anger and aggression while others are passive, perhaps even gullible or surrendering. Those passive types are actually low in calcium while the rigid people have too much. People deficient in copper can surrender to easily while those two high in copper tend towards depression but outbursts of anger. Depression can also be associated with low potassium levels while high potassium levels can lead to overachieving tendencies.
This is beyond nurture versus nature and takes those valid factors a step further. This is based on the analysis of the hair and values of minerals from the measurement we get from testing the hair that is a direct result of our cellular makeup; what we are digesting and assimilating that make up the tissues of our body. These ratios of minerals play a role in our personalities, outlook on life beyond what our environment has conditioned us to be as well as our constitutional personality. This is a fascinating science. Also, with the information from the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, nutritional correction can be implemented to benefit so much more than our physical health. Per the example above, this corrective action is for our mental and emotional balance as well. If this is an area you would like some support in, call for the test kit and also look into other offers available to manage stress and improve mood, mindset and performance such as neurofeedback, biofeedback, craniosacral and the Connection Practice.
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January 2025