Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a serious chronic neurological disorder in which the insulating cover of nerve cells (myelin sheathing) is destroyed. This is referred to as demyelination. As of 2008, between 2 and 2.5 million people are affected globally. As the disease progresses, the nerves malfunction leading to an inflammatory cascade that damages the brain and spinal cord (CNS).
Connection 2 Health's Naturopathic approach As a functional medicine educated provider, specializing in seeking to identify the root cause(s) of auto-immune diseases, I offer to utilize all the advanced tools and technology. My roots however, are grounded in traditional healing methods. It is common for patients to be told that nothing else could help their pain except drugs and surgery. I differ in theory and hope you find the below example of just a tidbit of a perspective that I find brings hope to healing chronic conditions that CAN BE OVERCOME! Triggering Theory Scientists in the field of immunology have been searching for the potential “triggers” that cause the immune cells to attack the myelin sheathing. Scientists have posed the question, “is something damaging the insulation of nerve cells”? The literature including functional medicine practitioners has supported a few triggers such as gluten, Epstein Barr, vitamin D deficiency, heavy metals toxicity and microbial pathogens. The medical research has identified elevated amounts of immunogobulins in 95 percent of MS patients. This suggests that the brain is aggressively battling an infection. It is interesting to note that the pathogen most commonly involved in this fight infecting the brain is Chlamydia pneumonia. Researchers from the Department of Neurology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine have found that 50% of C. pneumoniae are also made inside the central nervous system as well as the brain. Further studies have revealed enthusiastically that the eradication of Chlamydia pneumonia via the antibiotic, minocycline helped improve the symptoms of rapidly worsening MS patients. Four common symptoms of MS include:
1: Relapsing-remitting MS- this is where a person will have a period of symptoms followed with a period where there will be no symptoms.This is the most common type of MS. Unfortunately, the next three are progressive and symptoms tend to not go away. 2: Primary progressive—this is associated with the disease being progressive with no remission. 3: Secondary progressive—this is associated with initially having remissions followed with progressive deterioration and more remissions. 4: Progressive relapsing--this is associated with an initial progressive onset where there were no remissions. However, later as the disease progresses a person may experience remissions. Diagnosis Unfortunately there are no specific antibody tests for MS. The disease is confirmed “only” after the person has neurological symptoms twice and lesions are found on an MRI. It is important to note that one episode of the common symptoms that resolve and never come back is considered negative for MS.
Currently, 1 in 68 children has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Functional medicine is uniquely positioned to help treat these children. Genetic, metabolic, gastrointestinal, and environmental factors have all been shown to have influence in the disorder. Brooke Jensen is certified in Diagnostic Functional Medicine which allows exploration in the latest research and interventions to help children with ASD. Additionally Biofeedback and other sensory integration therapies are known to improve symptomology in ASD.
Mercury toxicity is the great mimicker of a host of health challenges.
Here is a sample of what one should know about mercury toxicity. 1: Mercury is known to de-nervate nerve fibers, similar to the pathology of multiple sclerosis. In other words it makes it so the nerves do not work. 2: Mercury can leak into the blood-brain barrier and reduce nerve conduction velocity and visual evoked responses, diagnostic tests used for multiple sclerosis. 3: Mercury can inhibit the action (binding) of happy hormones, like serotonin, at the synapse (nerve to nerve connection) leading to depression. 4: Mercury can cause hearing loss. 5: Mercury can decrease norepinephrine and dopamine activity at synapses, damaging our molecules of emotion. This can make a person lack zip, enthusiasm, joy, and creativity and make him anxious, insomniac, and terribly tense. 6: Mercury can create peripheral neuropathy, auto-immunity and interferes with synapse transmission, decreasing infection control so the unsuspecting victim gets recurrent sinusitis, prostate or gum infections, as examples. 7: Hidden mercury toxicity can be at the root of a resistant Candida infection. Sometimes you just cannot clear Candida symptoms until you get rid of the mercury. 8: Mercury is also a major undiagnosed cause of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. 9: Whenever we see someone resistant to all treatments, there is a high probability mercury toxicity is at the root of it. 10: Mercury toxicity can create any baffling neurologic disease as well as impair cure for any disease of other body systems. Fictitious diagnoses like erythromelalgia, fibromyalgia, idiopathic neuropathy, neurosis, idiopathic pain syndrome, or hypochondriasis for those burning migrating pains no one seems to understand- test for mercury! Cellular resonance (biofeedback therapy)
Family patterning, neuro-linguistics Embodying awareness and cultivating a healthy mindset - no matter what the circumstances! Letting go of attachments... stress reduction... I happen to specialize in! Pass it along and receive a free session with each referral! Get started. Click here to begin these special tools and support to make BIG changes in the direction YOU WANT! and BLets delve into the wellbeing of the mind-body connection. I'm starting a free group! Let me know if you are interested. Below are what I plan to cover: Realize Self-Awareness
Review of Gut-Brain-Microbiota Axis Abdominal Breathing Tea Time Mindfulness vs Monitoring Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Breaking the Psycho-somatic Cycle Adaptogenic Herbs Energize Metabolism Balanced Nutrition Avoiding Fad Diets Special Nutrients: Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B and E Polyphenols Neutralize Invaders Stool Testing Pathogens vs Invasive Species Herbal Antimicrobials Saponins and Detergents Tranquilize Inflammation Inflammatory Biomarkers Inflammatory Bowel Disease Food Sensitivities Elimination-Challenge Diets Anti-inflammatory Herbs Beta-glucans and Medicinal Mushrooms Symptoms, you have excess vata - the subtle energy that governs movement. Literally translated as “wind”, vata is dry. It comes in bursts. It moves (and changes directions) and is often cold. Vata escalates in autumn, and when it does, it can leave you feeling worn out, brittle, and susceptible to illness. Do you experience any othe following:
January 2025