Dear past and prospective clients, I wish to provide you an update you probably were not be aware of. After my dual masters in Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine, below is a brief list of modalities that has my practice expanding. Yet I feel it is somewhat a mystery as to what exactly I do!
Additional Certifications in addition to Certified Traditional Naturopath, Quantum Naturopath Technician, Holistic Health Practitioner and Biofeedback Specialist:
I call it "so-called" cold and flu season due to the reality that sickness shouldn't increase during this time if proper care is taken to maintain good health! For information on remedies to support the system during increased need: See this article Be sure you are not deficient in Vitamin D. It is not expensive to to test for. Whole food sources of Vitamin D come from eggs, fresh salmon, sardines and shiitake mushrooms. Dry, flaky skin can be an indication of a need for more Omega 3 fats - also a great source of vitamin D from Anchovies and supplements such as krill, tuna, or cod liver oil. Friendly bacteria - what consumers fail to realize is their scented antibacterial soaps carry the high price tag of suppressing the immune system. "Cleaning up" the germs also means destroying the good bacteria that combat the bad and help protect us from disease.
Why Calorie Restriction Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss!
Food intake is essential in order to power cellular activity, as gasoline fuels a vehicle. The caloric value of food must equal the total energy needs for body weight regulation. All this really means is that you need to be sure to eat enough while dieting. That’s the good news #1. No more being hungry! The hypothalamus is the major integration center in the brain that maintains both energy balance and body temperature. Condensing the reality of this glands role in attempt to get to the heart of this issue, I spare you the details. However, know that this gland is the bridge between the nervous system and endocrine system (the set of glands i.e. adrenals, thyroid, etc.). That means the hypothalamus is an essential gland in the body’s “line of communication (so-to-speak). Body temperature must be regulated because the rate of cellular chemical reactions depends on proper temperature. Overheating causes cellular damage, and not having adequate body temperature inhibits circulation and cellular respiration. There are many dangers to low body temperature, too many issues to cover here, but certainly a topic to review (see article An unusual cause of low body temperature). Energy balance is the gem here – and I will get to that in a moment! You see, everything is about balance! To steer away from all the technicalities, in essence, I gave you a snapshot of the basic function of one primary faucet in controlling weight. The why behind this information, regarding the hypothalamic glandular function, comes as a warning as to the extreme restriction of calories; seen in many diets. Now, for your good news #2, I will show you how to easily and almost effortlessly strengthen this very important gland. But first, let’s address the lack of appetite and poor eating habits as a cause of this absents of adequate calorie intake. Also, the mis-conception that “starving” yourself lends to a more lean figure! I must point out, that a lacking of desire for food is a much different problem than the later; the misconception. If this is the case, please consult with me and specify this lack of appetite so the cause can be addressed. Proper nutritional consumption of real food can not be replaced, is indispensable and absolutely vital for your success in weight loss. Now let me share good news #3! There are affordable options that don’t require cooking or any prep! You’ve guessed it; it’s not found in fast food joints and likely, you’ll need to order and keep up your supply for convenence but the commitment to this is worth the results!....See here how to obtain these convienience foods. Your good news #4: digestion! I am giving away the secret formula to better health right here with this idea of digestion! These guidelines are simple, but very important to follow for results! For the final word on the program that will yield your weight shedding, happy-to-be-you, feel-good package is: protocol. See how this will be easy to follow, have lasting results and spin heads making people wonder what you’re on! You will feel vibrant, as there are NO “detox reactions”, you will train your system to function as intended, and LOVE the happy chemicals that become in-balance with this protocol. Claim your place in this DISCOUNTED program now! -what the surprising, normally healthy foods are that cause you more pain
-how emotions cause a lingering pain -stop the triggers igniting inflammation! Act now to claim your ticket to a better feeling body! Chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, MS, Neuopathic pain, etc are difficult cases for the medical profession. You know pain suppressant drugs are not the answer. You may have been told something to the effect that “it's all in your head”, leaving you feel misunderstood, frustrated, hopeless and alone. You are likely referred to a Psychotherapist. This may have it’s place but your still searching… and that’s why you are here. states: In some people who have long-lasting pain, biochemical changes are triggered in the body, causing a different type of chronic pain (neuropathic pain) that doctors currently find difficult to diagnose and treat. Pain signals are somehow triggered by the nervous system and continue to fire for months or even years. (It is also possible that certain brain chemicals that suppress pain do not work properly.) Regardless of the cause, chronic pain syndrome affects all aspects of your life, straining relationships and making it difficult to keep up with work and home responsibilities. Get your HAPPY CHEMICALS stimulated! Let me show you how! Stop letting this take control of your life! What has me excited to share? It’s this crazy lab test called Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis that provides more information than you’d ever expect your hair to tell you! And let me tell you skeptics, as I myself am too; this really does portray an accurate assessment of your metabolism. I’ve tested and tried it, attempting to disprove it! Not only does it tell you if you have heavy metals, but your mineral levels, and most importantly; the ratios between them. These ratios reflect glandular function. For example, an abnormally high or low calcium to magnesium ratio can tell you if your blood sugar is imbalanced!
The calcium to potassium ratio is called the thyroid ratio due to the vital role in regulating thyroid activity these two minerals play. This ratio does not always correlate with blood thyroid tests because hair analysis is a tissue test. Often blood tests will be normal, while hair analysis will indicate an impaired thyroid function. This is due to blood having the role of maintaining homeostasis. Testing the hair often serves as a good proactive health screening. Following the labs recommendations is made simple providing a report included in the fee with easy-to-follow instructions for diet and supplementation. There are five total mineral ratio pares that reflect metabolic dysfunctions. Ratios are frequently predictive of future disease or hidden metabolic dysfunctions not found in regular medical testing. Just one more example on this topic of calcium; supplementation is important, when indicated, because it detoxes cadmium and lead. Now, with the utilization of this hair testing, you can be sure to get exactly what supplementation you need; no guess work! To take it further, I can order you custom minerals based on your lab results. These minerals are liquid, ionized, and tasteless! Furthermore, the particle size is so small, no break down or digestion is needed! Get the best value in health screening NOW! Mention this phrase for 10%off: Love hair tests This is one of my favorite labs I've used for years and has helped so many people in the most simplistic of ways! I'd encourage you to take charge of your health now, and with this method, you'd know exactly what is going on with your metabolism and how to correct it! With every intent in striving to maintain vitality, do you find that you continue to sacrifice your health during the holiday seasons? Or are you not even sure about what it would look like to gain better health and assume it would be a lot of work?
No need to fret! It's not that difficult with the right plan and the ideal support! Tips for yummy treats and easy dishes - click here |
January 2025