As a result of your choices, you have arrived at the place you are this moment. I think this is a statement we can all agree on; and with that said; would you agree EVERYTHING is either positive or negative, feeding your ultimate desires and purpose, OR taking way from the very meaning you wish for?... What if I told you I could supply you with just 3 vital points that could make a lasting difference in the way you look at hardship, stress, and loss without breaking the bank and requiring DVD’s, CD’s or any kind of lengthy program?
How much do you harbor? How much are you un-necessarily holding on to? Imagine how much weight you are carrying, how much pain, and vitality is being drained solely from not being aware of, nor practicing simple shifts from your current mode of operation? Ready to acquire life-changing, tools? Just think, literally of the weight (pounds) you can shed by re-programing your thoughts? That may seem far-fetched, however – stay with me… How about the arthritis in your pointer finger (known as a place within the body to represent “fear”)? Our body is a messenger. I can show you how to tune into what your body is telling you, thus allowing you to make changes. On the main page of my website, I state “awareness is the key” – in fact that has been my moto from day one. About eleven years ago now, beginning my practice with a very expensive medical device (biofeedback therapy) aiming to reduce my clients stress, I acknowledged the quintessence in first becoming aware before a drive for change could be made. I have now developed a plan, just for you… Lets get started! I have identified patterns in which people operate due to un-resolved stress. This could be from childhood and beyond- the great part is, it doesn’t matter and you don’t have to “dig up old bones” to receive the benefits of this program. It’s affordable, easy, doesn’t require much time, and powerfully effective! How can it be just for you, you ask? Because, I believe each one of us has a “higher purpose” and, separately yet simultaneously an “inner purpose". This makes every case unique. The successive steps are the same, however your soul's journey is entirely individual. Thus, your process will lead you. I only serve only as the bearer of tools you purchase. I don't buy into "chance", "coincidence", "leave it to fate", "it's all in God's hands", etc. - not ALL of it any way. There are personal development skills you can learn to help navigate this life more in harmony!
January 2024