Complements of: Jñana Khandro (De)
Joyful Greetings! Losar Tashi Delek! Happy New Year! A favorite Love note "quote" from Albert Einstein: “ The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth.” Much reverence and healthy caution is advised in the coming 6 months, remembering that all the energies capturing our attention are showing us what we need to see... what we need to be present for. We invite patience as a virtue, patience to weather each storm, patience to listen carefully and act compassionately, patience with our own healing and other's healing, and patience with our greatest aspirations, even. Patience, please, in our tendencies to over-react with excitement or anger - savoring those moments of hesitation which can transform our very Karmas and the energies of our relationships. We invite patience with the forces of massive progression towards A.I.-driven societies, easing into this electrified, illusory emerging world with restraint and integrity to preserve human creativity, authenticity, and supremacy. Take ALL on the path, but most importantly, take LOVE on the path. Build OJAS! In the Chinese tradition, celebrations start on January 29th (coinciding with the first New Moon in Aquarius in the Tropical system), leading up to New Years Day on February 3rd, when the Snake is born. In the Tibetan tradition, preparations start on February 26th, ushering in Losar on February 28th. This year they are approximately one month apart compared to last year where they fell on the same days where this potent energy of renewal and transition was more collectively celebrated. This spread is meaningful to me in that we "spread" the celebrations out over a longer period of time, giving each a chance to see when they feel the strongest pull into these new energies. With such a vast amount of information to impart the read-time is a bit longer this year, so to ALL who read this… take in what feels good and inspiring to you and discard the rest throughout your discovery of this wildly auspicious period of time we are entering into, and welcoming in the New Year of READ ON I am available for creatively-designed, intuitive, and classical Vedic Astrology consultations at [email protected]; email for more information, De
1 Comment
1/30/2025 03:53:23 pm
Yes! Patience…. I agree. So many times we want to rush, push to the next season ( calendar and/or) life and neglect the gift of the season we are in. To be patient, observant, open to what God is showing and teaching us. Thank you !
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January 2025