Energy Healing
The life force that animates man is the essence of this energy tested against and adjusted through the biofeedback machine I use in my practice, with kinesiology and in other ways! Within man there is a complex electrical system. In 1980 the Nobel prize in physics was awarded in the area of the unified field theory of elemental particles and forces (proposed by Maxwell and popularized by Einstein). Albert Einstein said: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.
This technology is the most advanced form of "healthcare" I belive we have. Not dependant on the practitioner to administure properly, biofeedback therapy is used as a "tune Up"! Although much like accupuncture, Reiki, and other enery work, biofeedback therapies consist of vibrational resonance - frequencies generated that are YOU specific.
Results on all Levels
QUANTUM The biofield influencing the subatomic, atomic, molecular, and thus cellular vitality! BIOLOGICAL The physical body is an electromagnetic field that is greatly affected by energy. Electro-chemical processes are initiated such as when in pain. Your body sends and receives signals within itself continuously. The body is always working to repair. Say joint irritation is present; production of joint fluid will increase in tendon tissue, which will lubricate the joint - all by the electro-chemical communication of the nervous system. Friction and the irritation will recede. Blocks in your energy field disrupt these signals the body naturally produces. Rid yourself of blocks and get the results you know you should! The biofeedback device used in Heather Holistics' Naturopathic Clinic is medically validated to detect and reduce areas of stress and pain. EMOTIONAL Addressing the head and heart is a part of achieving wellness. Learn to transform thoughts and emotions to heal the physical. Our thoughts, beliefs and our worldview make up part of our reality. Let’s play with this concept for a moment... Have you ever been cranky and noticed that everything around you seems to be” after you”, things just aren’t going well. Then, when you snap out of it, suddenly you notice the beautiful sunshine. Even though you may be driving, let’s say, you begin seeing the world around you in a different light, and find yourself more patient with others, lending more grace, not feeling so overwhelmed or aggravated – though these different “lenses” right… Harness this emotional realm. I can show you how! This is called InSync Sessions |
JTC & InSync Sessions
Journey to Clarity is a distance-friendly program, meaning you can sit in your PJ's at home in your favorte chair or take a "get away" break at work. InSync sessions are used with Biofeedback technology therapies (also distance friendly) and have the added benifit of high frequency therapy.
Did you know that most diseases are the result of accumulation of lower frequency emotions (fear, guilt, shame, resentment, anger, grief). The more saturation of these lower frequency emotions, the more severe the disease.
Our mental state becomes imbalanced as a result of false, limited and negative patterns of thought. Learn how to re-pattern! Mind-body connection has been an emerging focus, and rightfully so, in achieving wellness for some time. Now let's take that a step futher.
I propose: Mind-Body-Soul healing! See the heirarchy in achieving true and lasting health and register for upcoming programs here |
Harmonic Energetic Balancing restores and maintains the body at the source - at the quantum level as it helps to prevent illness and promotes wellbeing.
Lets start with the premise that everything is Energy. The rate of speed at which our energy vibrates is what we call frequency. We can't see our energy in motion because it vibrates too fast for our limited neurological system's capibilities. Our limitations perceived with our eyes, a relatively low vibratory rate of 48 in which we see at (did you know that a movie is not a continuous image; but rather a series of slides passing by at a rate of 48 per second?).
Our bodies are composed of tissue. Tissue fashioned by cells, cells made of molecules, and molecules composed of atoms. Atoms are electrons going around a nucleous; just as planets are suspended in space and circulate the sun. Electrons vibrate at millions per second; therefore, how can we possibly see electrons vibrate at this rate of speed when we can't even see 48 vibrations per second. Did you know the distance between an electron and its nucleous is the same as the distance between the earth and the sun in scale? This means 99.99% is space; however, there is energy in this space. Therefore, we are... energy in motion! Support high vibrations for optimal health! |