The Inner Work
More Steps
Therapeutic Options:
1.) InSync Sessions are designed to support the energetic body with biofeedback therapies that work to "tune" and ground you into a state of health energetically. This works to stimulate the physical body providing it the resonance it can align with. In addition, the Journey to Clarity coaching program is also utilized.
2.) Immersion is a group healing session as opposed to InSync one on one sessions.
Immersion is an affordable and distance-friendly transformational program. Or, gather your own group of cohorts and immerse together in the inner work. Five weeks is $65
class, program or event registration, booklet purchase, or session paymentFive week Inspire $65 Followed by an eight week phase called Journey to Clarity $130 The final phase is an eleven month mentorship for 1,400 Please adjust, as needed, your cart's quantity that is owed to Heather Holistics LLC Thanks! Brooke Heather |