Find Your Inner Sanctuary
A sanctuary is a tranquil, healing space. Support for individuals seeking overall well-being. By becoming a member, you gain access to a wide range of benefits, and all covered by a single monthly fee.
Joining as a member offers a multitude of compelling reasons. Embrace this holistic approach to personal health with the primary advantage of having access to comprehensive whole-health services. This includes regular check-ins, preventive care, and the ability to address concerns promptly.
In addition to healthcare, our sanctuary membership also provides access to various therapy options. Whether you're seeking mental health counsel, stress management techniques, or specialized therapies, these services are readily available to support your emotional and mental well-being. The availability of such therapeutic options within the sanctuary promotes a balanced and harmonious lifestyle.
Furthermore, a gym membership is included as part of the premium package, called Vitality Club, allowing you to maintain and improve your physical fitness. The gym provides state-of-the-art equipment, personalized fitness programs, and expert trainers who can guide you towards achieving your fitness goals. By having access to a fully equipped gym, you can conveniently prioritize your physical health without the need for additional memberships or fees.
A unique advantage of the sanctuary membership is the availability of comprehensive coaching services. Experienced professionals are on hand to provide guidance in various aspects of life, including career development, relationship support, and personal growth. Their expertise and support can help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and unlock your full potential.
By offering healthcare, therapy options, gym membership, counsel, and coaching all in one fee, a sanctuary membership eliminates the hassle of managing multiple subscriptions. This integrated approach ensures that all aspects of your well-being are attended to, promoting a holistic and balanced lifestyle. We see the best results when people are held accountable in the way.
Joining as a member offers a multitude of compelling reasons. Embrace this holistic approach to personal health with the primary advantage of having access to comprehensive whole-health services. This includes regular check-ins, preventive care, and the ability to address concerns promptly.
In addition to healthcare, our sanctuary membership also provides access to various therapy options. Whether you're seeking mental health counsel, stress management techniques, or specialized therapies, these services are readily available to support your emotional and mental well-being. The availability of such therapeutic options within the sanctuary promotes a balanced and harmonious lifestyle.
Furthermore, a gym membership is included as part of the premium package, called Vitality Club, allowing you to maintain and improve your physical fitness. The gym provides state-of-the-art equipment, personalized fitness programs, and expert trainers who can guide you towards achieving your fitness goals. By having access to a fully equipped gym, you can conveniently prioritize your physical health without the need for additional memberships or fees.
A unique advantage of the sanctuary membership is the availability of comprehensive coaching services. Experienced professionals are on hand to provide guidance in various aspects of life, including career development, relationship support, and personal growth. Their expertise and support can help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and unlock your full potential.
By offering healthcare, therapy options, gym membership, counsel, and coaching all in one fee, a sanctuary membership eliminates the hassle of managing multiple subscriptions. This integrated approach ensures that all aspects of your well-being are attended to, promoting a holistic and balanced lifestyle. We see the best results when people are held accountable in the way.
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You will be routed to a questionnaire that will provide value in of itself. You answers will help us assess how we can help you best.

As a member, we embrace the goal of improving our body's functionality and opting for safe techniques.
When visiting a healing center, individuals are regarded as "members" rather than patients or clients. By receiving care from their Sanctuary provider, they agree to relinquish certain public rights. As private members, individuals and providers engage in services that operate outside the jurisdiction of city, state, and/or federal regulations. If there are any aspects with which members do not agree, they have the freedom to abstain. In the event of any claims or issues with a provider, members consent to private arbitration rather than pursuing recourse through public medical boards or law enforcement.
Rest assured that all member records are treated as private and confidential documents.
Well Space is a collective under non-profit status doing business as: Restorative Naturopathy Indigenous Vitalistic Medicine Solutions with the sanctuary membership including Vitality Club as a premium option.