Ready for a body scan?
Quantum biofeedback measures the body’s electromagnetic field, otherwise known as the energy system. We are electric beings at the most basic level. Albert Einstein said “the future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”.
To begin, follow the two steps:
1. Please complete the form below. Following the body scan you will receive emails (anywhere between 2-4) with the subject line of "Body Scan", depending on what package you paid for (fist level, second or third). You will be responsible for scheduling an appointment for a review of recommendations with our healthcare provider or wellness advocate. Naturopathic healthcare consultations are $120/hour and our trained wellness advocates are $90/hour unless another arrangement has been previously agreed upon.
2. Prior to the body scan, please complete the Informed Consent:
1. Please complete the form below. Following the body scan you will receive emails (anywhere between 2-4) with the subject line of "Body Scan", depending on what package you paid for (fist level, second or third). You will be responsible for scheduling an appointment for a review of recommendations with our healthcare provider or wellness advocate. Naturopathic healthcare consultations are $120/hour and our trained wellness advocates are $90/hour unless another arrangement has been previously agreed upon.
2. Prior to the body scan, please complete the Informed Consent: